Thursday, December 3, 2020
This RSS Fundamentals course is intended for those who are interested in learning about the various systems on the market, the basic operating principals of each tool, and the overall benefits of using rotary steerables. This course should give the attendee a good overview of the current state
of the technology, and which tools work best for which applications. This is a fundamentals class, so no experience is necessary, but some basic grasp of directional drilling concepts will be helpful.
- What is a Rotary Steerable?
- History of the Technology
- Concepts – Push vs. Point, Fixed vs. Variable
- Best Applications for each concept
- High level overview of each tool, comparison/contrast and distinctive benefits
Friday, December 4, 2020
Come join us on December 4th for the most taxing, yet rewarding clay shoot you have ever seen. You and your team will go through the course and play all the stations in one day. Come on out and have a great time with us, lunch is on us! Be sure to invite your friends.