Measurement While Drilling (MWD) represents one of the core competencies the directional drilling industry must master to effectively and efficiently construct oil and gas wells. The ever-increasing complexity of downhole completions which involves 3D back build followed by simultaneous build and turn sections, multi-well pad layouts, and “wine rack” completion designs continue to increase the demand for more accurate sensors, faster data transmissions, and incremental data acquisition
capability to drive drilling optimization.
Environmental demands imposed from high bottom hole temperature, elevated vibration and shock levels, and the use of LCM material for wellbore conditioning has driven the demand for “ruggedized” downhole measurement solutions.
In order to provide a comprehensive picture of the current technology as well as to provide a forum for the discussion of the way forward, the IADD has invited manufacturers, service providers and operators to share their respective technology and viewpoints during our MWD Forum taking place on Thursday, September 24th virtually. The event is scheduled from 10:00 am to 02:30 pm CST.
A special thanks to our title sponsor Applied Physics Systems and our supporting sponsor Parker-Lord for giving us the opportunity to offer this event free of charge!
This event will be streamed on all of our social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Register on our website for email reminders and direct links to the stream!