“Drilling Towards Production” provided for some interesting perspectives and information about the real objective of drilling wells – Production. Well Bore Quality explored the path of getting that production. WBQ is an elusive and controversial metric, both from an impact standpoint as well as how is it really quantified. Blaine Comeaux is pursuing some industry standards to propose along this
line so that we can at least establish a baseline. This month we shift back to more of an equipment focus – Drill Bits. Make sure to join us either online or in-person at Landry’s.
We will continue with our simulcast format for our monthly meetings and other events. We can reach a much wider audience and it introduces a good flexibility for participants. I see this as an important element of our mission in this environment, the ability to connect people and help with communication. We are all still learning how to navigate this new world, but I want to have IADD as a key
facilitator as we continue to look to strive for improvement.
We are also embarking on rolling out some additional training opportunities, several this month in fact.
The resilience of our industry is being tested. Dramatic, permanent changes are taking place before our very eyes. Let’s not look down at the negatives but look up at the opportunities that are in front of us. I posted this to our Mighty Network site –
"The key to life is resilience. ... We will always be knocked down. It's the getting up that counts".
Dominique Browning,
writer, editor
Annual Drill Bits Forum & Exhibition
August 20
It all starts with the bit. We have been talking about the tip of the spear, but with bits it is literally true. Innovations in bit technology have enabled many of the dramatic performance gains that the industry has experienced. Bigger motor? No problem! Drilling longer sections through different formations? No problem!
Better steering and directional control? No problem! So what does lie in store. what is the next chapter? Join us either in person or online (Zoom) as we explore the horizon in bit development, application and technology. Click on the link below to view the tentative agenda!
If you are interested in exhibiting your product or technology you can do so either virtually or in-person. Secure your exhibit spot at the link below. If you have any questions contact info@iadd-intl.org.
Tubular Design Training Course
August 12
Basic Torque & Drag Training Course
August 19
Drilling Optimization Training Course
August 26
IADD partners up with the Mighty Network to bring you a social media platform exclusively for the drilling community!
IADD Built This Platform For You!
We created this IADD Network to bring you together with equally passionate people ready for something new.
A few things you’ll see quickly that make The IADD Network different:
It’s Ours. As we build this community together, we have some great features for creating exclusive content, deeper conversations, richer polls, and online or in-person events. Plus, by building this community off of mainstream social media, you can have a more efficient and valuable experience with us and each other.
There are More Ways for You to Meet Each Other. There are more ways for you to meet people who are near you, who fall into the same industry categories, or who care about the same topics. We can’t get this in free groups or on a website elsewhere.
We Can Bring Together Content and Community. This means we’re freed up to bring you new, fresh ideas and new practices that you can take into your daily life.
What You Should Expect From IADD
We’re aiming to make your experience here awesome. We want you to get five key things from IADD:
Get exclusive content and conversations you can’t find anywhere else.
Meet people who share your interests, who live near you, who do the same things, and who care about the same topics.
Educate our industry to make better, well-informed decisions through educational courses and professional discussion
Swap stories, experiences, and ideas around our shared mission.
Find inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective each and every day.
To make this a reality, we’re going to need your help. Every time you contribute a story, experience, or idea, you’re building a knowledge base every member of this community can tap to make better decisions. And when you invite in as few as two new members, you’re adding rocket
fuel to what this community can accomplish together. It doesn’t get any better than that. It’s why we’re here and why we’re grateful you’re here with us as well.