I had a personal milestone go by me in June. June 2021 marks my 40th anniversary of being in the oil patch. A lot has changed since a young kid drove his 1973 Vega from Pittsburgh to New Orleans to start a new career. I’ve seen lots of ups and downs, and things have certainly changed in the past four decades. The only thing constant in our industry is
One thing that experience brings is perspective. I won’t say that I’ve seen it all, but I have seen a lot. I watch younger people dealing with the challenges of today’s industries, and I would have to say that we are doing a pretty good job. I believe that it is incumbent upon us that have the experience and perspective to pass our insights on to the upcoming generation.
Groups like IADD can and should be a platform that we can use to do that. As we incorporate more in-person events, let’s be intentional about seeking out folks we may not know and share experiences.
Staying ahead of the curve requires knowledge, foresight, and patience. Our industry has historically been very resilient and resourceful. These times have tested our resolve, but recovery is upon us. Let’s share and see our way through this.
Mud Motor Training Course
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Currently we are facing major challenges, not just in the oil and gas industry, but in the world. It is IADD’s vision to be the leading catalyst for change by offering a platform for companies and individuals to continue to expand their knowledge and network even through these difficult times. Our Mud Motor Course Live Webinar will be led by Dr. Robello Samuel, Chief Technical Advisor for Halliburton and Drilling
Engineering Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston. All participants in the domestic United States will receive a mailed copy of the Positive Displacement Motors color textbook authored by Dr. Samuel. Space is limited so sign up today!